My Daily Affirmation
My Daily Happiness Project: Affirmation I'm a powerhouse of confidence, positivity, and awesomeness. Want to see more of this type…
My Daily Happiness Project: Affirmation Negativity? Not today! I'm all about that positive energy. Want to see more of this…
My Daily Happiness Project: Encouragement This setback is just a setup for a bigger comeback. Now I need to get…
My Daily Happiness Project: Affirmation I'm serving up self-love for breakfast, and there's plenty for seconds! Want to see more…
My Daily Happiness Project: Encouragement I feel stuck but hopeful. I know that "everything worthwhile is uphill." So I must…
My Daily Happiness Project: Affirmation My happiness is homemade — I've got all the ingredients right here within me! Want…
My Daily Happiness Project: Encouragement Get out there and shine! Whether you feel like it or not, just show up…
My Daily Happiness Project: Affirmation I'm not everyone's cup of tea, and that's cool — I'm a rare vintage wine!…
My Daily Happiness Project: Encouragement I am thankful for the challenges that came my way. I am so much better…
My Daily Happiness Project: Encouragement Where I am today is where I am supposed to be. The challenges I am…